I'll give my audience another reason why I don't give financial or investment recommendations to investors. Securities regulators take note of registered representatives' public statements and can use them to resolve complaints against reps. FINRA issued regulatory notice 10-06 to cover blogs and social networking sites with further guidance in regulatory notice 11-39. These notices ensure that registered reps do not make public statements that can be construed as investment recommendations lacking in suitability for an investor's specific situation.
These rules don't apply to me for several reasons, as I must enumerate below.
1. I am not a registered representative, securities firm, broker/dealer, RIA, or any such thing either as a human being or as my business entity Alfidi Capital. Read my AL-FAQ-DI and Legalistic Disclaimerism if you're confused.
2. I do not sell securities or investment products of any kind.
3. I do not originate or underwrite corporate finance transactions.
4. I do not maintain custody of client assets. I have no clients at all.
All I do is publish my opinions on financial topics and how those topics affect my own money. I can speak my mind on finance because the First Amendment protects freedom of speech. I use social media as much as possible to ensure the whole world has access to my genius. I have no interest at all in what anyone else on this planet does with their money. Anyone who does not understand this blog article is a stupid loser.