Financial markets are perhaps the most necessary Rube Goldberg device ever devised in the absence of some deus ex machina to allocate capital to productive enterprise. They are as complex as particle physics, as difficult to master as a bucking bronco, and as necessary as a toothbrush in our modern world.
The wilderness of modern finance demands a lone voice crying out for an audience of Homo investus (investing human).
That voice belongs to me.
I am Anthony J. Alfidi, private investor and founder of Alfidi Capital LLC. Friends call me Tony, but most other people can call me anything they like except late for dinner. I have been thinking about investing since I was a young'un, and now in adulthood I relish the opportunity that Web 2.0 tech gives me to publish my thoughts. I know a few facts and theories about investing, but I can always learn more. This blog is a tool for that end.
If you're a serous investor, then you and I will find common cause in our mutual search for ways to make money. Enjoy reading. See ya!